Tips For Safe Sex Conversation To Spice Up Your Love Life

Tips For Safe Sex Conversation
Tips For Safe Sex Conversation

In today’s busy life, we generally tend to forget what a healthy conversation means. Generally, in love life, we see a widespread conversation gap in couples. To have a great healthy love life, it is highly recommended to have a safe sex conversation. Don’t we agree to this? Well, here are some tips for you to spice up your love life and embark on a journey of safe sex conversation –

Safe Sex Conversation Starter – Good Massage

Nothing feels better to get a good massage from your partner. Light up the good Fragrance candle, play some soothing soundtrack it will all spice up your love life.

Safe Sex Conversation Builder – Good Evening Talk

Safe Sex Conversation Builder – Good Evening Talk

Instead of sending messages try to have a couple of talks in the evening. If you are comfortable, you can try a romantic photoshoot to add spice to your love life.

Safe Sex Conversation Moment – Give Sensual Touches

Waking up your partner with a good smile , sensual touches or massage gives spice to your love life.

Refined Conversation – Good Handwritten Notes

To start a conversation, try to write some handwritten love notes for your partner like how you look, what suits you more in your outfit. Good handwritten love notes lead to sensual touches when partners are together.

Consult A Therapist About Your Real Feeling

If you are feeling anxiety then consult a professional like a gynecologist or a nurse practitioner to state your real feeling. They will give you the right direction.

Go Together For Outdoor Shopping

Go shopping together, have look at sex toys and start the conversation. You will enjoy yourself during the trip.

Play Games

To start a natural conversation games can be played like dice games, playing cards etc. It will add spice to your love life. Games give you the opportunity to bring up the topic on the table.

Play Good Soundtrack

Always play a good soundtrack while having the conversation. Try to play those songs that make you feel pleasure and comfort to your partner.