Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ulcerative Colitis Diet-What to Eat and Why?


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What is Ulcerative Colitis or IBD and what are its symptoms?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome-What it means

Ulcerative colitis or otherwise referred to as Inflammatory bowel disease is the ulceration of the lower part of the digestive tract. As the name suggests Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD causes inflammation in the digestive tract.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Most individuals with the condition suffer from mild to medium symptoms. Also, the symptoms can vary with the individual and place of infection. Here are some of the symptoms associated with the disease.

  • Diarrhoea(Blood or Pus)
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Rectal pain and bleeding
  • Difficulty in Defecation
  • Loss of Weight and strength
  • Stunted growth in Children

Relationship between IBD and Food

The inflammation of the lining of the organ is called an ulcer. It is generally caused due to consumption of fibre-rich food. In any case, you should be aware of the foods to avoid in case you are suffering from IBD. Having the apt food shall not only provide you with the necessary ingredients, but also alleviate your symptoms.

Foods to avoid during Ulcerative Colitis

As a general rule, one should not consume high fibre foods if suffering from IBD. Some of the Fatty and Fried Foods, Spicy Foods, High Fiber Foods, Nuts, Seeds and Beans, Caffeinated and sugary drinks, Alcoholic beverages, Candies and other sweets should be avoided.

Ulcerative Colitis-Harmful Foods
Ulcerative Colitis-Harmful Foods

Ulcerative Colitis- Foods you should Eat and Why?

Ulcerative colitis-Healthy Foods
Ulcerative colitis-Healthy Foods

Probiotics(Yoghurt): Yoghurt is an excellent source of live gut bacteria that can help with your digestion. However, if the individual is lactose tolerant, the probiotics can be substituted with lactase enzymes. Also, it is necessary to consume yoghurt without spices or fruits. Both fruits and spices irritate the lining and can aggravate the problem. But in the event the fruit is well blended, it can be consumed.

Bananas: Although fruits and vegetables are known to have high fibre content, soft bananas can be consumed. Also, soft fruits like bananas or canned fruits are soft and are a great source of carbohydrates and energy.

Almond Butter Peanut Butter: Nut butter is an excellent source of proteins and Fats. It is of two types regular and chunky. An individual who suffers from IBD should avoid chunky kind

Cooked Vegetables: Soft cooked vegetables are mild on the digestive system and are an excellent source of vitamins A and K.However, just ensure that the vegetables are cooked properly.

Salmon: Salmon is an excellent remedy for people who are lactose intolerant and suffer from Ulcerative Colitis. An excellent source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids help in relieving the symptoms of inflammation. Tuna, Shrimp or any other seafood is an excellent substitute for those who don’t like Tuna.

Fruit Juices and Water: Ulcerative Colitis or IBD is often accompanied by diarrhoea. This can result in the loss of fluids. It is extremely essential to replenish them. Sports drinks have electrolytes and water in sufficient proportion to replenish the lost nutrients. However, it is important to avoid fruit juices rich in fibre such as prune juice.

White Rice and Turmeric: Turmeric is known to contain Curcumin which is known to have a beneficial effect on the treatment of ulcers. Consumption of boiled white rice or simple Khichdi is often recommended as the food of choice for someone suffering from Colitis.

Ulcerative Colitis: Follow Up and Diet Plan

Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis

It is essential to bring the necessary changes in the diet if you are having IBD. Follow it up with the nutritionist to develop a disciplined diet plan. Also, the nutritionist can guide you on the diet to be followed and the necessary intake since the requirements vary as per the individual needs.

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